Monday 28 April 2014

XOXO! What do you see in the mirror? TODAY anchors share their personal reflections

 New research from Dove finds that women spend 50 minutes daily in front of their own reflections, and have a complicated relationship with mirrors. TODAY’s anchors reveal their own reactions to what they see in the looking glass.
They are seen every morning on television by millions of people. But what do the TODAY anchors see when they peer into the mirror and take a look at themselves?
As part of TODAY’s latest installment of the body image series, “Love Your Selfie, Reclaiming Beauty” Savannah Guthrie, Matt Lauer, Al Roker, Carson Daly and Natalie Morales shared their thoughts on their relationship with mirrors on Monday’s show.
Guthrie, pregnant with her first child, notices her changing body when she looks first takes a look.
“I look different than I did before,” she said. “But I'm happy about that.”
Lauer says he sees “an older version of me. Maybe even a younger version of my dad.”
Roker seems to view himself just as he is: “I see me, a guy, you know, approaching 60, bald, African-American.”
Natalie Morales
Natalie Morales: A few more wrinkles than in the past.
Morales, who recently ran the Boston Marathon, sees a 41-year-old who works hard to stay fit. And, she added, “a few more wrinkles than I saw in the past.”
Daly acknowledged that he doesn’t like to see himself in the mirror, saying it makes him feel uncomfortable.
“Because it doesn't match up with how I feel,” he said.
The anchors also revealed the part of their body that first catches their eye.
“Right now, my boobs,” Guthrie said with a laugh, noting that they’re growing along with her pregnancy. “They're huge and they're outta control.”
Al Roker
Al Roker: We don't see the mirror as our enemy. It is what it is, that's what's there.
Lauer checks to see if he looks fatigued.
“I look to see if there are bags under my eyes or wrinkles, or if I look pale and drawn,” he said. “Because, obviously, sleep is a big issue in my life. And so I always look to see if I look tired.
Morales had the same concern. “Just looking for the bags under the eyes,” she said. “How much sleeplessness they show.”
The TODAY anchors also shared the features of their bodies they are not particularly fond of.
Matt Lauer
Matt Lauer: I look to see if there are bags under my eyes or wrinkles or if I look pale and drawn.
For Guthrie, it’s her arms, which she called “flabtastic.” Roker doesn’t care for his “turkey waddle.” Morales says that on some days, she find her ears too pointed, “too elfie.”
Lauer remembers the days when he was younger, and, “a little more filled out.”
“The older I get … I seem to be wasting away a little bit,” he said.
On the plus side, Guthrie was able to find one feature she is happy with.
“I love my baby bump,” she said. “I love the fact that I'm 42 years old and lucky enough to get this chance. And the human body is remarkable and divinely inspired, I think, you know, the be able to create life. So right now, I'm just loving that my body's able to do this and produce life.”
For all of the TV attention on them, the anchors say they try not to spend too much time staring at their reflections.
Savannah Guthrie
Savannah Guthrie: I love my baby bump.
“It's not because I don’t like what I see,” Morales said. “I have come to know my face well. I know who I am, and at this point it’s about maintaining what I have.”
Guthrie says she doesn’t avoid mirrors but she doesn’t like to stare into them for long.
“If I do find myself staring in them, it's probably because I noticed that I had, you know, lettuce in my teeth.”
Roker feels there is a gender difference when it comes to spending time in front of the mirror.
“I think it's a lot different for men than it is for women,” he said. “We don't see mirror as our enemy. It is what it is, that's what's there.”
Carson Daly
Carson Daly: I see myself. And I feel -- immediately very uncomfortable. I don't like looking at myself.
Lauer says that years ago, when his hair was longer and starting to thin, he spent more time looking at himself.
“But these days,” he says. “I don't spend that much time looking in a mirror because I kind of know what to expect.”

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