Saturday, 3 May 2014

GIST****"The Racist" Donald Sterling is Fighting Cancer

Hehehehehehe...........The LA clippers owner Donald Sterling, has cancer. The racist has been battlin with cancer for several years now.
According to New York Post, Donald's cancer medication allegedly for prostrate cancer is what has caused his face to look swollen in recent years, a source told the paper.
"they thought he would die two years ago" its likely the players were not aware of his medical condition because Blake Griffin told reporters last night aftr losing gold state warriors that " if tha is true, my thoughts and prayers are with him nobody deserves to go through a thing like that"
We reported earlier that this guy was banned and fined $2.5m for his bizarre racist remarks.
hopr its not a prank..........Peeps does he really deserves pity?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous13:15

    He sure deserves to be pitied.. we dont want that on anyone even our enemy..
