Wednesday 14 May 2014

Amazing! The baby elephant was discovered holding a vigil for his dead mother in Samburu, north Kenya


Eh eeh! I didn't know elephants are this emotional o.... A heartbroken baby elephant refused to leave his dead mother’s side through the night, the five-month-old lovingly laid his trunk on his mum as the emotional drama was played out in Samburu, northern Kenya.

Worried for his safety, keepers from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT), Kenya Wildlife Service and Save the Elephants worked through the night to capture the bull - who stubbornly refused to leave his mother's side.

Vets were eventually able to tranquilise the youngster in the early hours of the morning, before driving him to the Samburu airstrip.
A specialist team flew in to prepare the calf for the flight to his new home at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage.
Located in the Nairobi National Park, the nursery is the only one of its kind in Kenya 
and receives elephants from across the country.
An autopsy later revealed that the mother elephant died due to a serious internal infection caused by a twisted gut. The youngster is seen above keeping watch over her body before night fellWorried for his safety, keepers from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT), Kenya Wildlife Service and Save the Elephants worked through the night to capture the bullAfter the flight, the severely dehydrated calf was driven to the orphanage, where keepers quenched his thirst with some milk and waterSuch was the five-month-old's devotion, he was oblivious to the cold, and threat of predators

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